1. God-Centered: We recognize that service comes from a heart that is intimately related to God. We commit to maintain a vital, growing personal relationship with God and to encourage other believers to deepen their own relationship with Him. (Col. 1:18, 1 Pet. 4:11).
2. Holy Spirit-controlled: We recognize that the Holy Spirit gives gifts and empowers us to accomplish His work. Nothing can replace His working in our lives and ministry. It is our desire to be yielded to His control and obedient to His guidance. (Acts 1:8, Zech. 4:6,1 Cor. 6:19-20)
3. Bible-based: We recognize that the Bible is God’s standard for life and ministry and is the primary instrument for changing lives. Its principles are applicable to all areas of life. We commit to handle the Word of God accurately and to model it consistently. (2 Tim. 3:15-17, Joshua 1:7-9)
4. Prayer-based: We recognize that without the Lord we can do nothing. We commit to a complete dependence on Him through prayer at every point of our lives. (Jer. 33:3, Rom. 8:26, Phil. 4:6-7)
5. Integrity/Excellence: We commit to conduct ourselves, in our attitudes and actions, to a biblically-based ethical code that results in moral soundness which will be above reproach. (Rom. 15:1-3, Psa. 139:23 & 24) We commit to attain to the highest level of competency that God has purposed for us and to a mindset that does not settle for mediocrity. We want to be and do our best, in His strength, for the glory of God and for the good of those to whom we minister. (Phil. 1:9-11, Col. 3:17)
6. Financially Responsible: We will handle financial matters in an ethical manner that conforms to legal requirements and regulations. Our financial and business dealings will be open for scrutiny and above reproach. Financial records will be audited annually by an independent, qualified auditor. (1 Cor. 10:31, Heb. 4:13)
7. Cooperation: We believe that the local church is the organization that God has established to be the base for evangelism of the lost and the edification of the saints. We will develop working relationships with local churches, with the goal of building-up their ministry, and helping them to fulfill the Great Commission. (2 Cor. 6:1, 1 Cor. 3:5-9, 1 Thess. 3:2)
8. Individual Uniqueness: We recognize that God has created each person with unique gifts and abilities. We commit to focus on the unique God-given character qualities and gifts within each person and use biblical training that respects and involves the learning styles distinctive. (Ps. 139:14-16, Rom. 12:6-8, 1 Cor. 12) We will exercise cultural sensitivity by respecting and understanding the cultures in which we minister while adhering to biblical standards. (1 Cor. 9:19-22, 1 Cor. 10:23-33)
9. Ministry-Multiplication: We are committed to instructing women and girls in the truths of God’s Word and challenging them to daily live out what they have learned. We are committed to provide training that will enable the women to teach others to depend on Christ and His purposes for their lives. (Eph. 4:11-13, 1Cor. 4:17, 2 Tim. 2:2)
10. Personal Development: We consider ourselves fellow learners who are open to learn from and with those around us. We commit to personal development through continuing education opportunities. (Phil. 3:13-14, Ezra 7:10) We recognize that evaluation is a necessary ingredient of training. We commit to loving, constructive evaluation that leads to continued improvement and excellence in life and ministry. (Prov. 4:23, Isa. 66:5-8)