EG Ministries, Inc., founded in 1982, is a Christ-centered, Bible-teaching ministry. Our purpose is to present the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of everyday living to women and children, through girls’ club programs (preschool through high school), Bible studies, devotionals, and curriculum.
At the beginning of each year we look back at the previous year and decide that we are going to make changes in our lives.
Exercising more, losing weight, saving money, spending more time in God’s Word. There are loads of things that we might add to that list with all good intentions to succeed.
Statistics show that, around 30% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but less than 10% successfully keep them, with around 23% giving up within the first week and 43% by the end of January. Not a great success rate!
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is found in the little book of Micah. At the end of the verse are 3 requirements from God for our lives that would make good resolutions for 2025.
Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
What an incredible world we would have if we all adopted those resolutions.
Act justly
Love mercy
Walking humbly with our God.
Summer Camp 2025
EG camp is a great week of fun activities, laughter, Scripture memorized, Bible lessons and Vespers heard, lots of singing, and good conversations with counselors and staff!!
The girls have a great time in their activities. They have opportunity to take Photography, Crafts, Play and Create, Card-making, Drama, Creative Writing, First aid, and all of the outdoor activities–the Pool, Archery, Air riflery, Climbing Wall, Challenge Courses, Hiking, Creek Walking–and Vespers every evening with a campfire!
We have great discussions during our Bible lessons and leadership times with our Junior Leaders.
So many fun experiences. There is nothing like camp!
Save the dates for next year! July 13-19, 2025.
Questions? Call the EG office at (610) 626 3332 for information.
Women’s Get-Away Weekend – February 21-23, 2025
The excitement is growing around the EG Ministries’ office! We’re in the planning stage for our next Women’s Weekend in 2025. We will discover Treasure Worth Keeping.
We are filling up quickly, so get your registration in now! Deadline is January 15, 2025.
Brochure and registration form is linked below. Contact us at 610 626 3332 or for more information.
You won’t want to miss this wonderful weekend, so please plan to join us!